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If we can treat the tiny alien as a rule for his race, they are skillful engineers with a talent for repairing and altering droids. Thus far, the only anzellan fans have been introduced to is Babu. The anzellan, named Babu Frik, sparked interest immediately.Īnzellans are a diminutive species of currently unknown origin. 20, gave viewers a brief glimpse of the teeniest droid smith they’d ever laid eyes on. The final trailer for The Rise of Skywalker, out Dec. Regardless, fans are already prepared to love these little engineers with all their hearts. We don’t know much about the latest addition to the Star Wars creatures list. They serve very little purpose other than to be adorable, which is more than enough for us. Natives of the planet Ahch-To, these big-eyed birds are fascinated by all things shiny and new. Capable of making brief dives into the water, porgs often hunt crustaceans and small fish. The avians dwell near the sea, where they build nests along cliff sides. Giant, beseeching eyes take up nearly half of a porg’s tiny, feathered face. It turns out not much, but that doesn’t make us love them any less. These charming space-puffins were an instant hit among fans, who flocked to theaters to see what the flappy little goobers would lend to the story. Trailers for The Last Jedi introduced us to the porg. Pack beasts, vulptices tend to wander in groups called “skulks.” Porg Excellent vision, even in low-light, helps the clever critters keep their bearings almost anywhere.

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Their bristles protect vulptices from predators when they can’t use their keen senses to avoid detection. Those spiky bristles look like they hurt.

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These charming foxes may look supremely touchable, but you wouldn’t want to get too close. “They’ve taken on the very surface of the planet they live on,” he said.

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According to The Last Jedi‘s creature effects supervisor, Neal Scanlan, feeding off their planet led to their spiky appearance. Their crystalline fur is rumored to have developed thanks to their diet on the mineral planet they call home. The first of these breathtaking Star Wars creatures showed up on Crait, the species’ home planet, in The Last Jedi. Stunning foxes covered in white, crystalline bristles, vulptices appear to be carved from glass. Due to their intelligence and malleability, loth-cats can be excellent Force-companions. Capable hunters, they tend to feast upon the rats that heavily populate their home planet. They can be tamed but not without some real effort. Just like most cats, loth-cats are temperamental and occasionally violent. Members of the Tooka family, loth-cats are cousins to several other fuzzy felines.


These critters cropped up in the animated Star Wars Rebels series, a somewhat niche spinoff that is remarkably popular among viewers: The series has a staggering-and nearly unheard of-100 percent rating on Rotten Tomatoes, and reviews from fans are overwhelmingly positive. Natives of Lothal, a planet of vast grassy plains, they tend to wander in packs. These odd little felines have the appearance of a lynx combined with some kind of burrowing animal. They aren’t as recognizable as some of the other creatures on this list, but loth-cats are some of Star Wars‘ cutest creatures. These tiny, squishable Star Wars creatures may not have as many uses as a Bantha or as many teeth as a Sarlacc, but we love them anyway. Some, however, seem carefully crafted to make audiences squeal in delight-which, you know, they probably were. Many of the creative creatures wandering the vast expanses of Lucas’ galaxy are ferocious, deadly beasts. So we’ll indulge in just that: Here are some of our favorite Star Wars creatures. Between nine separate films, not to mention several standalone releases and numerous spinoff series, there are more than enough fascinating critters to keep us busy until the next Star Wars trilogy is announced. Nearly half a century later, there are too many Star Wars creatures to keep track of. Each film brings with it new revelations about the galaxy and often introduces fans to new creatures to enjoy. With each new film, the Star Wars world gets a bit more fleshed out. He and the brilliant teams that fleshed out that world populated it with hundreds of diverse societies, races, and critters. More than 40 years ago, George Lucas introduced us to the sprawling world of Star Wars-and the Star Wars creatures.

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